Complaints procedure

It may happen that parents have a complaint or comment about Solidoe. We would like to know this. We ask parents to discuss this in the first instance with the person involved in the subject. If the complaint has not been resolved after discussion with this person in the parent’s opinion, the employee will report this to the branch manager. The branch manager will then contact the parent. The parent can always contact the branch manager themselves.

You can also enter your idea, comment, reaction or complaint on a response form. This will be passed on to the person responsible for the subject in question. You can complete a form yourself or the pedagogical employee can do that. We produce an annual report on the response forms so that we can adjust our policy if necessary.

You also have the option to discuss the complaint outside of Solidoe, at the national Childcare Complaints Desk. This complaints desk can mediate, provide advice and arrange mediation. If this does not lead to a solution, the Childcare Disputes Committee can make a decision. Parent committees can also follow the above route.

Response form

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As a childcare organization, we constantly consider our role in the education of the children entrusted to us.

Our mission

'Everyone has room for their own growth'

Our vision

Solidoe wants to transform childcare and education into one challenging and modern (development) environment for the child.