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Children 4-13 years
We believe that out-of-school care should be more than an extension of the school day. In our view, it should be an enjoyable leisure activity for the children. We offer the children a challenging, positive group environment in which they feel safe.

Before-school care
You have to leave the house already, but school hasn't started yet. How should that be done? Solidoe has the solution. Before school starts, your child can go to preschool care at a number of our locations. Children are welcome from the opening time of the location. At most locations this is at 7:30 am, some early locations open as early as 7:00 am.
Lunchtime supervision
Have a quiet lunch together
The children are working hard at school. The lunchtime supervision (TSO) during the break is really a moment of rest and relaxation. This way, after lunch, the children can get back to work with a charged battery and full concentration.
Just move
In addition to being a resting point, the after-school care is also a time when the children can release their energy. That’s welcome after a morning of sitting quietly. That is why the children go outside to play as much as possible. If that really isn’t possible, there is plenty to do indoors.

After-school care
We believe that out-of-school care should be more than an extension of the school day. In our view, it should be an enjoyable leisure activity for the children. We offer the children a challenging, positive group environment in which they feel safe. From this safe environment we give them the opportunity to play, develop and make friends. We adapt the structure, materials, activities and options to the age of the children.
Holiday care
It would be nice to have a holiday when the children are free from school. But that is not an option for most working parents. Don’t worry, because at Solidoe we make it extra fun for the children during the holidays! Holidays are of course also intended for children to have fun and relax. That’s why at Solidoe, going to after-school care during the holidays is really a holiday.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Answering important questions
Will your child be starting daycare soon? With these questions and answers, we'll help you get started at our daycare.
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