Exchange policy

Solidoe grants parents holiday credit for public holidays that fall on their contracted days. Absence of a child (due to vacation or illness) does not earn points. The credit can be used to request extra childcare. If you do not have any credit, you can request extra childcare based on an invoice. Below you can read how this process works.

Build up of holiday credit

  • On national holidays and the Friday after Ascension Day, Solidoe is closed. If you have childcare on one of these days, holiday credit will be automatically granted.
  • This credit is granted 30 days prior to the relevant holiday and is valid for 365 days. This credit can only be used from the moment it is granted.
  • The credit is granted in points. The value of the credit is: 4 points for a full day, 2 points for a half day, and 1 point for VSO or lunch.
  • Your granted credit is visible in your Parent Portal and Parent App of Konnect.

Using public holiday credit / requesting extra care

  • Requesting extra childcare is done entirely via the Parent Portal or Parent App of Konnect.
  • The required credit for extra childcare is: 4 points for a full day, 2 points for a half day, and 1 point for VSO or lunch.
  • If you have enough credit, you can use it for your request. If your granted credit is used up, you will automatically receive an invoice for the entire extra childcare request. It is not possible to use part of the credit and receive an invoice for the remaining hours.
  • If you do not have credit at the time of the request, you will receive an invoice for the extra scheduled childcare.
  • Credit can only be used from the moment it is granted. It is not possible to retroactively change a booked extra day from invoicing to using credit.
  • Requests can be submitted from 1 month in advance up to a maximum of 1 week in advance; last-minute inquiries on the group are not possible.
  • The evaluation of requests is based on availability. We are bound by the legal ratio between the number of children and staff.
  • You can check the status of your request in the Parent Portal or Parent App under Agenda – Calendar – Request Overview. You will also receive notifications from the Parent App about the status of your request.
  • Once a request is approved, it cannot be canceled. However, you can unregister your child. In this case, the extra childcare will not be credited in money or points.
  • If your request has not been approved yet, you can cancel it up to 1 day before. You can do this by withdrawing the request in the Parent Portal.
  • If you have unregistered your child, your right to the spot will be void, and we may offer it to another child. If you still need childcare on that day, you can submit a new request via the Parent App for extra childcare.

Validity of public holiday credit

  • The granted points will expire one year (365 days) after the points are granted.
  • Credit is child-specific and specific to each type of childcare. You cannot transfer credit to other children, and if your child switches to a different type of childcare, the previously granted points will expire. However, if your child switches locations, the granted credit remains valid.
  • If there are changes to your contract or partial cancellations, the credit will be adjusted proportionally. For holidays no longer covered by your contract, credit will be reduced. For holidays that are now covered by your contract, credit will be granted (30 days prior to the holiday).
  • After the last contract day, you can no longer use your credit.
  • Credit is not redeemable for cash.
  • The provision of holiday credit by Solidoe is a service, and you cannot derive any rights from it.

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0-2 years


2 - 4 years


4 - 13 years


The additional services

Request tour

Would you like to step inside, meet our employees, and get a feel for the atmosphere? You can! We would be happy to give you a tour of our location.

However, we can only schedule a date for this once we have actual space available at our location. This way we avoid disappointment. At our daycare locations in Oostkroost, Haas, Legmeer, and Dolfijn, there are available spots on most days, with no waiting list!


As a childcare organization, we constantly consider our role in the education of the children entrusted to us.

Our mission

'Everyone has room for their own growth'

Our vision

Solidoe wants to transform childcare and education into one challenging and modern (development) environment for the child.