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Mission and vision of Solidoe and our child image
Solidoe has formulated her starting points: why we exist, what task we see for ourselves. How do we view children and how do we ideally view the environment in which we live? This whole forms the foundation of the organization.
‘Everyone has room for their own growth’
Based on this mission, we at Solidoe have a comprehensive approach: giving children the space to follow their own path. And not only do we have a very big heart for children, but also for the world around the children, e.g. their parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, healthcare, education.
Solidoe’s pedagogical staff, who create this pedagogical environment, are crucial to achieving the mission. They also need space to grow as professionals.
In our child image we indicate how we see children, what children already naturally have in them:
Our child image: Children are themselves, social, creative and curious.
A child is essentially curious and wants to explore his world, in his own way. A child is active and creative in playing and discovering, both together and alone. Children are focused on others, learning from each other and from adults. Every child is himself and develops his own self.
We trust the natural development of every child and are committed to this.
In our vision we present our own wise image of the future:
Our vision: Solidoe wants to transform childcare and education into one challenging and modern (development) environment for the child. Where children can develop skills in a safe and challenging pedagogical and educational environment that they can use well, now and in future society
This vision has major consequences for the education and care sectors. Together they form a new context for children.
Solidoe has a social approach:
Solidoe is a social organization.
Choices are made on the basis of quality and not (only) for business reasons.
Solidoe organizes its childcare based on a social mission. We are there for all children, in all neighborhoods.
Any returns from business operations are retained for the organization and are used for sustainable quality and innovation of the shelter.
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0-2 years
2 - 4 years
4 - 13 years
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Request tour
Would you like to step inside, meet our employees, and get a feel for the atmosphere? You can! We would be happy to give you a tour of our location.
However, we can only schedule a date for this once we have actual space available at our location. This way we avoid disappointment. At our daycare locations in Oostkroost, Haas, Legmeer, and Dolfijn, there are available spots on most days, with no waiting list!
As a childcare organization, we constantly consider our role in the education of the children entrusted to us.
Our mission
'Everyone has room for their own growth'
Our vision
Solidoe wants to transform childcare and education into one challenging and modern (development) environment for the child.