At location De Dolfijn, we have available spots for your child in our daycare on most days. No waiting list!

De Dolfijn, Aalsmeer

Linda Veenvliet, location manager of De Dolfijn: “ As a location manager, I enjoy working with my team to give everyone the space for their own growth. I encourage my employees to let the children discover for themselves , lwhat does something feel or taste like?

Can a child climb somewhere independently? What does a child want support with?

I think the nice thing about a Child Center is that we can follow children from 0 to 13 years old. Starting with the baby group and then moving on to the toddler group and then coming to play at the after-school care center as a toddler. We care for all the children of KC de Dolfijn with lots of love, humor and fun !

Contact details

De Dolfijn, Aalsmeer
Baccarastraat 3
1431 RN Aalsmeer

Click on the LRK number to open the most recent GGD report.

LRK number: KDV: 411158697
LRK number: BSO: 261795855

Pedagogical work plan

Opening hours
Mon 7.30-18.30
Tue 7.30-18.30
Wed 7.30-18.30
Thur 7.30-18.30
Fri 7.30-18.30

In the vicinity of
the Jozefschool.

Our location

De Dolfijn is located in Aalsmeer-Dorp next to the Jozefschool. We share a number of classes in the building and have a shared play and learning area. The group rooms are cozy and homely, with which we want to give children a feeling of ‘at home’. We have a gymnasium, children’s kitchen and a beautiful natural playground.
We offer care for the little ones up to and including schoolchildren aged 4 to 13 years. De Dolfijn is for all ages!

Our activities

At child center De Dolfijn, children discover the world in a playful way. Using themes, such as the seasons, we bring the outside world inside. We also organize exciting and challenging workshops for the children. The toddlers enjoy music, singing and movement every week. And of course you can get creative with craft materials every day!

We also regularly visit the outside world with pedagogically strong excursions. For example, we visit the Kloosterhof care center every month. We play a game there with the residents or have a nice chat with them. And we like to take a walk around Aalsmeer-Dorp with our handcart. We don’t let ‘Mud Day’ pass by: we’re allowed to get dirty! At the after-school care, everyone learns the tricks of sailing in collaboration with Sailing School Aalsmeer. And every year we organize National Outdoor Play Day, because playing outside is healthy and fun!

Collaboration with school

We work closely with the Jozefschool in Aalsmeer, which is across the street. We are in contact with the primary school teachers, and the children from the daycare center sometimes visit the school. This makes the transition to primary school even easier.

You are very welcome, come and have a look!

dolfijn spelen kinderen

Linda Veenvliet

Location manager

Request tour

Would you like to step inside, meet our employees, and get a feel for the atmosphere? You can! We would be happy to give you a tour of our location.

However, we can only schedule a date for this once we have actual space available at our location. This way we avoid disappointment. Currently, we have waitlists for (almost) all of our locations and there are no openings available. Therefore, we recommend registering your child first so that you can be added to the waitlist.

Solidoe locations



52 weken per jaar geopend

Als ouder wilt u graag dat we uw kind(eren) opvangen als u dat nodig heeft. Daar houdt Solidoe rekening mee, we zijn 52 weken per jaar geopend.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Answering important questions

Will your child be starting daycare soon? With these questions and answers, we'll help you get started at our daycare.


As a childcare organization, we constantly consider our role in the education of the children entrusted to us.

Our mission

'Everyone has room for their own growth'

Our vision

Solidoe wants to transform childcare and education into one challenging and modern (development) environment for the child.

Request tour de Dolfijn

Sign up here for a tour at daycare de Dolfijn.