Toddler care, de Quakel
De Quakel toddler care is actually unique. We are housed together with De Zon primary school. As a result, the threshold between the playgroup and primary school is very low: the transition is quite easy for the children. An advanced collaboration has developed between us. As a toddler care facility, we share the schoolyard with the school's toddlers. It is very special to see the interactions between the toddlers and preschoolers. There is a very pleasant and friendly village atmosphere, we are just there for each other.
Contact details
Po de Quakel, kwakel
Anjerlaan 1
1424 AM de Kwakel
Click on the LRK number to open the most recent GGD report.
LRK number: PO: 190603513
Opening hours
Mon 8.00-12.00
Tue 8.00-12.00
Wed closed
Thu 8.00-12.00
Closed Fri
Childcare from 2 to 4 years
At De Quakel, we offer the children a consistent routine and a program where playing and learning together are central. We do group activities, but pay attention to the individual development of each child. We also promote the foundations of language and numeracy learning. We believe that physical activity is fun and healthy, so we regularly offer toddlergymnastics and toddler yoga in the gym located in the school building.
Together with the parents
We greatly appreciate the involvement of our children’s parents. We organize outings together with the parent committee. A big success!
Our team
Learn to play
We provide a structured program at De Quakel, where children have the opportunity to play and learn alongside one another. We do group activities, but pay attention to the individual development of each child. We also promote the foundations of language and numeracy learning. And because exercise is fun and healthy, we regularly go to the gym, which is also located in the school building.

Request tour
Would you like to step inside, meet our employees, and get a feel for the atmosphere? You can! We would be happy to give you a tour of our location.
However, we can only schedule a date for this once we have actual space available at our location. This way we avoid disappointment. At our daycare locations in Oostkroost, Haas, Legmeer, and Dolfijn, there are available spots on most days, with no waiting list!
Solidoe locations
52 weken per jaar geopend
Als ouder wilt u graag dat we uw kind(eren) opvangen als u dat nodig heeft. Daar houdt Solidoe rekening mee, we zijn 52 weken per jaar geopend.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Answering important questions
Will your child be starting daycare soon? With these questions and answers, we'll help you get started at our daycare.
As a childcare organization, we constantly consider our role in the education of the children entrusted to us.
Our mission
'Everyone has room for their own growth'
Our vision
Solidoe wants to transform childcare and education into one challenging and modern (development) environment for the child.