Meerwijk, Uithoorn

Childcare for all ages Child Center Meerwijk is located in Meerwijk-Oost in Uithoorn and borders the schoolyard of primary schools De Kajuit and Springschans. The toddler care has a room in the schools. This means there is immediate contact with the toddlers from both schools and the transition at the age of four becomes even easier! Children from 0 to 12 years old come to Child Center Meerwijk. The babies and toddlers play at the daycare center, and the school children can go to Meerwijk's after-school care (BSO) after school and during the holidays.

Contact details

Meerwijk, Uithoorn
Eendracht 5
1423 DZ Uithoorn

Click on the LRK number to open the most recent GGD report.

LRK number: KDV: 132428386
LRK number: BSO: 198811731
LRK number: PO: 103821934

Pedagogical work plan

Opening hours
Mon 7.30-18.30
Tue 7.30-18.30
Wed 7.30-18.30
Thur 7.30-18.30
Fri 7.30-18.30

Do a lot together

At Meerwijk we make it pleasant and fun for all children. We have nice group rooms with a homely atmosphere. What is special about Meerwijk is the cooperation between the different groups: siblings can visit each other every day and play with each other. Just like home!

Meerwerk employs both creative and sporty employees, and we offer many sports and creative activities. In this way we make it pleasant for children of all ages to come to Meerwijk.


Would you like to know more about Child Centrum Meerwijk? Please feel free to call for more information. But coming by is even better, so you can see with your own eyes how we work and what we do for the children. You are welcome!

kinderen spelen

Nanda Portenge

Location manager

Request tour

Would you like to step inside, meet our employees, and get a feel for the atmosphere? You can! We would be happy to give you a tour of our location.

However, we can only schedule a date for this once we have actual space available at our location. This way we avoid disappointment. At our daycare locations in Oostkroost, Haas, Legmeer, and Dolfijn, there are available spots on most days, with no waiting list!

Solidoe locations



52 weken per jaar geopend

Als ouder wilt u graag dat we uw kind(eren) opvangen als u dat nodig heeft. Daar houdt Solidoe rekening mee, we zijn 52 weken per jaar geopend.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Answering important questions

Will your child be starting daycare soon? With these questions and answers, we'll help you get started at our daycare.


As a childcare organization, we constantly consider our role in the education of the children entrusted to us.

Our mission

'Everyone has room for their own growth'

Our vision

Solidoe wants to transform childcare and education into one challenging and modern (development) environment for the child.