At location Oostkroost, we have available spots for your child in our daycare on most days. No waiting list!

Kindcentrum Oostkroost

Petra van Gilst Location Manager Oostkroost: “Together with the team I want to create an environment in which everyone is seen and feels welcome. We are involved with all parents and children. We make time for questions and are always happy to receive tips on how we can do even better. After all, the child is the most important thing there is! I often work on location and my door is always open. Our entire team ensures that parents can go to work with peace of mind!”

Contact details

Oostkroost, Aalsmeer
Machineweg 12
1432 ET Aalsmeer

Click on the LRK number to open the most recent GGD report.

LRK number: KDV/PO: 620956987
LRK number: BSO: 967514563

Pedagogical work plan

Opening hours
Mon 7.00-18.30
Tue 7.00-18.30
Wed 7.00-18.30
Thur 7.00-18.30
Fri 7.00-18.30

Child center for all ages

The Oostkroost child center is located on the edge of the Oosteinde district in Aalsmeer. A spacious, cozy location with childcare for children of all ages. Babies and toddlers are cared for in 2 vertical groups from 0-4 years in the daycare center. The children from the primary schools at Mikado are welcome at the after-school care (BSO). We have 2 groups for children aged 4-7 and 2 groups for children aged 7-12. We have an open door policy for these older children, so that all children can play safely everywhere. We pick up and drop off after-school care children with our own transport, which we also use for outings.

Play areas and playgrounds

Oostkroost has large and cozy group and play areas with wide corridors. We create a living room atmosphere in the group rooms. We also have challenging additional facilities, such as a studio and a gym. The toddlers enjoy four weekly sessions of peutergym (toddler gym) with us. All children can enjoy sports and exercise with us, but they can also express their creativity and develop through art and culture. Of course, they can also read a book on the couch. We work with themes, such as the seasons. And we organize specific activities, for example during the holidays at the BSO, and give workshops.

We have no fewer than 3 challenging playgrounds for children of all ages. The patio has a beautiful courtyard for the little ones to play in nature and discover everything. Behind the building we have a safe playground for children from 1 to 4 years old, where they can enjoy cycling. And at the front is the playground for after-school care children from 4 years old.

Involved employees

We work with permanent teams of pedagogical staff who are very involved with the children. We encourage children to try everything out for themselves, and if necessary, we are there to help. Children are allowed to follow their own pace and interests. Playing and developing with pleasure comes naturally!

Petra van Gilst

Location manager

360º Film

Request tour

Would you like to step inside, meet our employees, and get a feel for the atmosphere? You can! We would be happy to give you a tour of our location.

However, we can only schedule a date for this once we have actual space available at our location. This way we avoid disappointment. At our daycare locations in Oostkroost, Haas, Legmeer, and Dolfijn, there are available spots on most days, with no waiting list!

Solidoe locations



52 weken per jaar geopend

Als ouder wilt u graag dat we uw kind(eren) opvangen als u dat nodig heeft. Daar houdt Solidoe rekening mee, we zijn 52 weken per jaar geopend.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Answering important questions

Will your child be starting daycare soon? With these questions and answers, we'll help you get started at our daycare.


As a childcare organization, we constantly consider our role in the education of the children entrusted to us.

Our mission

'Everyone has room for their own growth'

Our vision

Solidoe wants to transform childcare and education into one challenging and modern (development) environment for the child.

Request tour Oostkroost

Sign up here for a tour at daycare Oostkroost.

Request tour de Dolfijn

Sign up here for a tour at daycare de Dolfijn.

Request tour Haas

Sign up here for a tour at daycare Haas.

Request tour Legmeer

Sign up here for a tour at daycare Legmeer.

Rondleiding de Dolfijn

Meld je hier aan voor een rondleiding bij kinderdagverblijf de Dolfijn

Rondleiding Legmeer

Meld je hier aan voor een rondleiding bij kinderdagverblijf Legmeer.

Rondleiding KC Haas

Meld je hier aan voor een rondleiding bij kinderdagverblijf KC Haas.

Rondleiding Oostkroost

Meld je hier aan voor een rondleiding bij kinderdagverblijf Oostkroost.