Child center De Rietpluim

“As location managers, we think it is important that there is job satisfaction within the team. If your pedagogical employees feel good about themselves and enjoy coming to work, this ensures that the children are given the Space for their Own Growth, as we call it in the Solidoe mission.”

Contact details

Solidoe de Rietpluim
Zonnedauwlaan 63
1433 WB Kudelstaart

Click on the LRK number to open the most recent GGD report.

LRK number: KDV & PO: 154766331
LRK number: BSO: 131843230

Pedagogical work plan BSO
Pedagogical work plan KDV & PO

Opening hours
Mo 7.30-18.30
Tue 7.30-18.30
Wed 7.30-18.30
Thur 7.30-18.30
Fri 7.30-18.30

All care under one roof

De Rietpluim is a wonderful location in the heart of the Rietlanden residential area in Kudelstaart. Nestled between two schools, it’s convenient for after-school care (BSO).

Apart from the three BSO groups, we also have a toddler care group and three vertical groups from 0-4 years. Additionally, we offer Preschool Education (VE). Read more about VE here.

In essence, we have all types of care under one roof. Children enter as soon as they are old enough for the vertical group. At 4 years old, they transition next door to school and after-school care. By the end of group 8, we bid them farewell. This setup offers a lot of convenience for parents, allowing them to drop off one child at the daycare center and another at school, And at the end of the working day, they can pick them up at the same location. Ideal!

Children of all ages frequently interact during the day: in the schoolyard during breaks, during the transition to after-school care, and when the children at Rietpluim are outdoors.

A Feeling of Coming Home

With our dedicated team, we ensure that children experience the feeling of coming home. They have a pleasant place to play with friends, develop talents, and explore ideas. We provide the space for children to come up with their own ideas. Assisting them when necessary, but above all, letting them have fun and discover new things.

De Rietpluim organizes numerous activities Both in the sports and creative fields. We offer enjoyable and challenging experiences, because to us it’s most important that the children have a good time. We value children’s input and involve them in devising activities. Because, ultimately, everything is for them.

Collaboration with toddlers and the daycare center is seamless. For the little ones, we have a lowered hob so they can participate when we cook or prepare tasty and healthy treats. So much fun!

Curious? Feel free to drop by and experience the atmosphere.

kinderen spelen
Femke van den Brink

Femke van den Brink

Location manager KDV

Daisy den Hollander

Location manager BSO

Request tour

Would you like to step inside, meet our employees, and get a feel for the atmosphere? You can! We would be happy to give you a tour of our location.

However, we can only schedule a date for this once we have actual space available at our location. This way we avoid disappointment. At our daycare locations in Oostkroost, Haas, Legmeer, and Dolfijn, there are available spots on most days, with no waiting list!

Solidoe locations



52 weken per jaar geopend

Als ouder wilt u graag dat we uw kind(eren) opvangen als u dat nodig heeft. Daar houdt Solidoe rekening mee, we zijn 52 weken per jaar geopend.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Answering important questions

Will your child be starting daycare soon? With these questions and answers, we'll help you get started at our daycare.


As a childcare organization, we constantly consider our role in the education of the children entrusted to us.

Our mission

'Everyone has room for their own growth'

Our vision

Solidoe wants to transform childcare and education into one challenging and modern (development) environment for the child.