Home > Informatie kinderopvang > Praktische Informatie > Credit build up and requesting extra daycare
Aalsmeer, October 24th 2022
Dear parents,
Because we want to offer you and your child(ren) high-quality pedagogical care, now and in the future, we decided to change the current credit point system starting 2023.
You probably noticed that childcare organisations are dealing with shortages in staff. This results in a high workload in our childcare facilities. The use of temporary workers is helping, but is not providing long-term stable solutions. Until now we haven’t been forced to close down groups, except for a few days on one of our pre-school groups. We will do everything within our power to prevent this in the future as well.
That is why we decided, after careful and extensive considerations, to change the credit point system. This will result in balanced groups, less last minute requests and less hectic situations. Both the children and our pedagogical staff, plus the quality of the care will benefit.
We hope you understand our decision. We would rather have enough opportunities to allow extra days with credit points. Unfortunately we can’t, so with this changes we make sure that we can organise the care of your child(ren) as we envision it pedagogically.
The most important changes you can read below and will be published on our website. We urge you to direct any possible questions you may have to our planning department: planning@solidoe.nl or 0297-729710, and not to ask our pedagogical staff!
Changes credit points Solidoe per 01-01-2023
The absence of a child is not followed by the build-up of credit points. Parents only receive points for the official holidays on their contract day(s).
- Credit points for the official holidays are received at the beginning of the year (01-01-2023), only these points can be used for extra days.
- Extra days can be requested via the parental app. When there are no credit points left, an invoice will follow.
- The approval of extra days doesn’t change, extra days are possible upon availability.
- Requesting extra days can be done one week upfront. It is not possible to request last minute for an extra day in the group.
- The current built up credit points will expire on 01-01-2023. The credit points for the official holidays in 2023 will expire on 31-12-2023.
- All other conditions are unchanged. You can check the information below.
Credit build up and requesting extra daycare 2022
This policy will be adjusted in 2023, information about this can be found at the top of this page.
Solidoe offers parents, as a service, the possibility to receive credit points if you report absence for the (extra) childcare for your child. These points you can use for extra childcare at another time, depending on the availability in the groups. You can find out how this works below.
How to build up credit
- If you report absence of your child’s booking at least 4 days in advance via the parent portal/parent app (Ouderportaal/OuderApp Konnect), you can build up credit. Example: you want to report absence for January 20th, you have to report absence the booking by 16 January at the latest (before midnight), then you will accrue credit. No credit points build-up applies up if you unbook after this 4-day deadline, even if your child is ill.
- If you know at an earlier date that you will not be needing a specific childcare day, it would be helpful if you report absence at that earlier date. This is possible up to 3 months in advance. It allows you to build up credit and gives other parents the opportunity to apply for extra childcare.
- When you report absence for your child’s placement, your right to this place lapses. We can then offer this place to another child. If you end up needing care on that date, you can apply via the parent app for extra childcare (and use the credit points you have accrued for this day).
- Credit is built up in points and applies per care product. No credit build-up applies if your child arrives here later or leaves at an earlier time.
- The following credit values apply: 4 points for a whole day, 2 points for part of a day and 1 point for Preschool Childcare (VSO) or lunch.
- Solidoe is closed on national holidays and on the Friday after Ascension Day. If your childcare day falls on one of these days, credit is automatically accrued. You will receive this credit in the weekend in advance of the public holiday in question.
Validity of credit
- Your accrued credit will be listed on your parent portal and parent app. The credit is valid for 365 days from the date that you’ve reported absence for.
- Credit is child-specific and applies to a specific type of childcare. Transfer of credit to other children is not possible. If your child is transferred to another type of care, the previously accrued points will be cancelled. However, if your child transfers to one of our other childcare centers, the accumulated credit will remain valid.
- Accrued credit lapses once the last contract date has expired. If you used up credit points after your contract ended, you will receive an invoice for this day.
- Unused credit points expires after 365 days. This credit is not exchangeable for money.
Using credit for extra childcare
- Solidoe offers parents, as a service, the possibility to receive credit points if you report absence for the (extra) childcare for your child.
- As of 16 May 2022, all applications for extra childcare must be made via the parent portal/parent app (Ouderportaal/OuderApp Konnect). On the app you can enter your accrued credit points to apply for extra childcare.All such requests are assessed on the basis of availability. We are legally obliged to abide by the child to staff ratio.
- You can check the status of your application in your parent app under Agenda – Kalender – Aanvragenoverzicht (requests). You also receive notifications about the status from the app.
- You can apply for extra childcare via the parent app from 1 month up to 3 days in advance. If you need to arrange childcare at the last minute (within 3 days), please contact the childcare centre directly.
- The credit required for extra childcare is: 4 points for a whole day, 2 points for part of a day and 1 point for Preschool Childcare (VSO) or lunch.
- If you have accrued sufficient exchange credit, you may use this with your request. If you wish to use more than the accrued credit allows, you will automatically receive an invoice for the extra childcare period(s) as a whole. It is not possible to use credit in part and receive an invoice for the remaining hours.
- If you have not (yet) accrued any credit, you will receive an invoice for the extra childcare that you have booked.
- Once a request for extra childcare has been approved, it can no longer be cancelled. It is possible to report your child absence for this day.
- If your request has not yet been approved, you can cancel this up to 1 day in advance.
Wil je even binnenkijken, onze medewerkers ontmoeten en de sfeer proeven? Dat kan! We geven je graag een rondleiding op onze locatie.
We plannen deze rondleiding graag zodra er daadwerkelijk plek beschikbaar is, zodat je niet voor verrassingen komt te staan. Op onze kinderdagverblijflocaties Oostkroost, Haas, Legmeer en Dolfijn zijn op de meeste dagen direct kindplekken beschikbaar, zonder wachtlijst!
Als organisatie voor kinderopvang denken we steeds na over onze rol in de opvoeding van de kinderen die aan ons toevertrouwd worden.
Iedereen de ruimte voor eigen wijze groei.
Solidoe wil de kinderopvang en het onderwijs transformeren tot één uitdagende en moderne (ontwikkel)omgeving voor het kind.